Identity Theft: What to Know and How to Protect Yourself

Security and Scams

While increased accessibility helps make so many activities quick and convenient, having so much of our personal information online leaves us vulnerable to cyber criminals who are eager to steal and benefit from our personal information. As the multitude of online services has expanded, so has the rate of fraudsters engaging in identity theft. Cyber thieves who access one’s personally …

Why a Credit Union is Safer Than a Bank in a Financial Crisis

Security and Scams

During times of financial uncertainty, it’s normal to be worried about the safety of your money. Naturally, you want to be absolutely sure your savings will be secure, even in times of financial crisis. Credit unions offer unique advantages that can provide greater security and peace of mind during financial downturns. Here’s why a credit union can be a better …

Beware Tax Filing Scams

Security and Scams

It’s tax time! Unfortunately, that means there are thousands of scammers looking to steal your information and your tax refund by posing as authentic tax preparers. Here’s all you need to know about these scams and how to keep safe. How the scam plays out In a tax filing scam, a victim will hire an alleged tax preparer to do …

6 Naughty Holiday Scams to Beware of This Season

Security and Scams

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Unfortunately, though, not everything about the holiday season is all happy and nice. Watch out for these six naughty holiday scams. Online shopping scams In this scam, a shopper visits a bogus site that appears to belong to a popular retailer and purchases an item that does not exist. The shopper will never receive …

Your Complete Year-End Financial Checklist

Personal Finances

There are lots of fun things happening around this time of year, but don’t forget to give yourself an annual financial checkup! As we prepare to usher in the new year, take a moment to go through this year-end financial checklist. Review your budget Is your monthly budget still working well for you? Are you stretching some spending categories or …

The Post-Holiday Budget Recovery Guide

Personal Finances

The holidays are in the rearview, but if you’ve gone over budget with your spending, it’s time to deal with the aftermath, which is coming head-on. Here’s how you can get your budget back on track for the new year. Review your holiday spending How much debt did this season’s spending set you back? Spend some time crunching the numbers …

My Home Skyrocketed in Value. Now What?

For the Home

Home values are skyrocketing, and you may want to cash in on the action. Read the tips listed here to learn about possible financial moves you can make, all thanks to your home’s increased equity. Sell The financial move that quickly comes to mind when homes experience an explosion in equity is to sell the house and pocket the profits. …

Am I a Shopaholic?

Personal Finances

A true shopaholic will feel an irresistible urge to shop and spend money, which will often have a negative impact on their financial stability and personal well-being. In today’s increasingly digital world, shopping is an activity that is accessible at any time and anywhere. Unfortunately, though, this can make shopping addictions more widespread. But how can you tell if you’re just …

How To Deal With Financially Challenging Friendships

Personal Finances

Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” What’s left unsaid is that many times, it’s the friendships you can’t afford! In fact, some friends can be a serious drain on your savings. If you recognize these kinds of people in your life, it …

Is There an End to Credit Card Debt?

Personal Finances

With consumer debt at an all-time high, this is a question that many Americans are grappling with right now. The credit card trap can easily make you feel like there’s no way out, but this is far from the truth. Yes, you can break free! With the right tools and the willingness to work hard at your goal until it’s …