6 Step Guide To The Mortgage Loan Process – Made Easy.

For the Home

You found a home! A rush of excitement and uneasiness at the same time.  What’s the timeline and steps to make this a done deal?  Your realtor will guide you through the negotiation process on price and basic timing for possession of the home. Once your offer is accepted, and you select a lender, the process typically wraps up start …

Which Is Right For Me: Adjustable Or Fixed-Rate Mortgage Loan?

For the Home

The choice of which mortgage loan to go with starts with a simple question: fixed-rate or adjustable? There are many different terms, points, and rates associated with each, but narrowing your search to a category simplifies the process. Fixed-rate mortgages are the more traditional choice. You and a lender agree to a length of time (or term) and an interest …