How Men and Women Manage Money Differently

Personal Finances

Despite society’s advancements, there are still significant differences in the way men and women manage money. Dozens of studies have been performed on this subject, with research from around the globe. Being aware of these differences can help us understand the ways we deal with our finances. Attitudes toward shopping Men and women look at shopping very differently. A study …

Discussing Risk Management With Your Spouse

Directions Financial Solutions

One of the most challenging issues for couples to resolve is how much risk they’re willing to take with their investments. Here are some tips to guide you on the road toward joint venture: 1.) Communication is key Let your partner know you’re willing to research options together and come up with a plan. Erica Coogan, a partner at Moss …

Post-Pandemic Money Moves

Personal Finances

Re-acclimating to normal life as pandemic restrictions are lifted and businesses reopen across the country will mean more than just getting used to wearing real pants again and working without your cat on your lap. You’ll also need to consider your finances. How has your overall money management changed during the pandemic? Have you dipped into your savings? Have you …

Thanksgiving Hacks To Save Time, Stress And Money

Personal Finances

Thanksgiving prep stressing you out? Wondering how you’re going to get everything done in time for the big day and stick to your budget at the same time? We’re here to help! Whether you’re traveling home for the holiday or hosting a houseful of guests, we’ve got you covered. Here are 15 clever Thanksgiving hacks to save you time, stress …