Which Is Right For Me: Adjustable Or Fixed-Rate Mortgage Loan?

For the Home

The choice of which mortgage loan to go with starts with a simple question: fixed-rate or adjustable? There are many different terms, points, and rates associated with each, but narrowing your search to a category simplifies the process. Fixed-rate mortgages are the more traditional choice. You and a lender agree to a length of time (or term) and an interest …

All You Need To Know About Flipping Houses

For the Home

Flipping houses is an investment concept. It involves purchasing a rundown home at the lowest possible price, spending the necessary time and money on fixing it up and then selling it for profit. Flipping, or rehabbing homes, has become the primary source of income for thousands of people across the country. Are you thinking of launching your own home-flipping business? …

All You Need to Know About Selling Your Home During These Uncertain Times

For the Home

Selling a home is a move people generally plan years in advance, and 2020 was no different. For many homeowners, the hot real estate market of spring and summer of 2020 was going to be the season they put their homes up for sale. And then came the coronavirus — and the world turned upside down. With people struggling to …

When Should I Put My House On The Market?

For the Home

If you’re thinking of putting your house on the market, think spring. That’s because the season of blossoming flowers and gentle breezes has traditionally held the designation as the best time of year to sell a home. Before you start prepping your home for a photoshoot that shows it off in the best light, take a moment to consider your …

7 Reasons Not To Skip A Home Inspection

For the Home

A home inspection will set you back several hundred dollars, but it can easily save you thousands down the line. Before you officially become the new owner of the house, learn all you can about its general condition. Once you’re under contract, you’ll need to have your future home professionally inspected by a certified engineer or a licensed inspector. The …