Preparing Your Kids For College: The Must Have Money Talk

Student Money Tips

College is a time for kids to take responsibility for their finances. Many college first-year students have had minimal experience dealing with money. Typically they come from living in a parent-controlled world where they have rules, and they know their limits. College offers a sense of freedom that could cause financial problems if not handled correctly. Credit cards and shopping …

The Brain/Money Connection

Personal Finances

Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that chronic stress triggers long-term changes in brain structure and function. And nothing spells stress like money dilemmas! Neuroscientist Dr. Sam Barnett researched to determine the brain’s appearance while making financial decisions. He found that the ability to make effective decisions in this area is impaired by anxiety. The complexity of …

College Life: A Study Guide For Your Personal Finances

Student Money Tips

Some of the most important lessons you’ll learn in college won’t be taught in a classroom. Your ability to master the pressures of the adult world will determine, in large part, how well you live. To help prepare you for those life tests, you can start to put these simple habits into your daily routine. Your future self will thank you. …